did you know?

Insurance companies will soon be requiring all dental and medical offices to go completely paperless. Is your office up to spec? We can help you seamlessly and effortlessly make that transition.

About Our Company

     SoCal Dental Tech is a company that has highly skilled IT professionals which provide technology services, support infrastructure, and create a seamless network which is essential for the modern dental practice. With over 10 years of technical expertise specializing in a variety of areas, our powerful and strategic technology solutions deliver the reliability and performance you need to ensure increased productivity and efficiency for your practice. SoCal Dental Tech is dedicated to working with you to incorporate the latest technology that promotes increased workflow and higher client volume, which in turn leads to higher profitability. As a leader of Managed IT Services, for a fixed monthly fee, we can offer our clients 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service that provides your office with quick, stable, and reliable computer monitoring solutions. Enlisting our knowledgeable professional team will provide you with the tools you need to grow your practice.